Where are you going to put your Web Site ?

Once you decide on the design and content of your Web Site, you still have one big question left to answer. Where are you going to put your Web Site?

We recommend InfoStreet's Hosting Services.

Here is why;

The files for a Web Site must be located on a computer commonly referred to as the Server. The Server must be connected to the Internet via several pieces of Hardware through a commercial connection (capable of fast data exchange).

Purchasing, configuring and maintaining the necessary equipment and Internet connection is be expensive, time consuming and laborious. The price of a commercial connection alone can easily reach thousands of dollars per month, plus the costs of purchasing and maintaining connection hardware.

If you do not have a machine connected to the Internet, or do not want the extra overhead of maintaining a server, or have an aversion to paying large sums of money on a regular basis, let InfoStreet Host your Web Site for you.

InfoStreet has fast, secure and reliable servers available for your use. By hosting for a number of clients, we reduce the cost for all and provide "On Demand Expandability" for each site. The aggregate InfoStreet servers and high speed connections can fulfill millions of hits a day, and therefore provide the best level of service for our clients and visitors to their Web Site.

InfoStreet's commitment to quality is our most valuable asset. We have been flourishing on the strength of our reputation and plan to continue our dynamic growth in the years ahead. All of our clients to date have been repeat clients and we intend to keep our 100% perfect record.

What are the Costs ?

InfoStreet hosts Web Sites on the Internet using top of the line technologies in our server farm. We have saved thousands of dollars for our clients who would otherwise have had to acquire the right equipment, hired personnel, and maintained a high speed connection.

The cost to host your Web Site will vary depending on the size of your site, and the amount of traffic it receives. We have several hosting plans designed to accommodate a wide range of clients. Simply look through the options below and choose the plan most suited to your needs.

InstantWeb Account

Ideal for the do-it yourselfer interested in a low entry price. Here is a Summary of why our Hosting Service was voted the Best. Not only are we one of the most economical Home Page Services on the Internet (see price below), each InstantWeb account includes the following:

  • Automatic nightly Web Site backup: Your data is protected on tape.
  • Automatic Web Server Monitoring Service: Ensures maximal server efficiency.
  • High Speed connection.
  • 10 Megabytes of Space (equivalent to approximately 1500 pages of conventional text).
  • A search engine within each site. The search engine can be used by viewers to search the Web Site allowing them to more easily find a particular page or section.
  • Clickable Maps which allow viewers to navigate the site (move to different sections with in a site) by clicking on different parts of an image.
  • Ability to easily place a form on the Internet without worrying about the programming that is normally involved. Your visitors simply enter answers into the form and the information will automatically be emailed to you.
  • For those familiar with programming, our InstantWeb accounts are capable of supporting CGI Scripts. We also do custom programming that can fulfill our client's specific needs.
  • Ability to receive Mail from your visitors. The InstantWeb Mail gateway will receive the emails that your visitors send and automatically forward them to your machine, using your existing valid email address.
  • Up to 30,000 hits allowed per month with no additional charges
  • Our computers keep usage reports for each InstantWeb accounts easily accessible by our clients.

We are confident that our InstantWeb Hosting prices are among the most competitive around especially when considering the amount of features included. All prices include up to 30,000 hits per month at no additional charge. There is a charge of $1 for every 1000 hits above 30,000.

There are NO startup fees or hidden costs with InstantWeb accounts.

Non-commercial sites including Personal Accounts, Students, Teachers, and non-profit organizations take advantage of our incredible offer of $9.95 per month charged with 3 month advanced billing.

The charge for commercial sites is $20 per month with our one year advanced billing option, $22.50 per month with our 3 month advanced billing option, or $30.00 per month for clients wishing to pay on a monthly basis.

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Secured Charter Account

The main advantages of this account is the ability to conduct secured financial transactions over the Internet. Your Web Site can be setup as to allow visitors to purchase your products or services On-line with all major credit cards.

With 25 Mega Bytes of space per account, our Secured Charter Account can accommodate the largest of Web Sites (But of course we can always increase the amount of space). Secured Charter Accounts also include 200,000 hits (visitors) per month allowing the Web Site to accommodate a large number of visitors.

Other main features include:
  • Automatic nightly Web Site backup: Your data is protected on tape.
  • Automatic Web Server Monitoring Service: Ensures maximal server efficiency.
  • Automatic daily usage reports: Number of site visitors and other usage statistics.
  • FTP service: Allows visitors to your site to quickly download large files.
  • Email Forum capability: Visitors can form email discussion groups.
  • Up to 10 email Aliases: Your visitors can click on to sales, tech support, etc. and an email will automatically be forwarded to you.
  • $150 per month billed Quarterly in advance.
  • Web Site space may be expanded at $2 per Mega Byte
  • There is a $1 charge for every 1000 visitors over 200,000 per month
As with all our other services, there are No hidden charges and you may modify your Web Site as often as you wish for free.
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Unlimited Secured Charter Account
Created for extremely high traffic Web Sites, the Unlimited secured Charter all the features of the Secured Charter account PLUS
  • An UNLIMITED number of hits allowed.
  • One Giga Byte of space enough for even the largest of Web Site.
  • A fast bandwidth of up to a full T1 connection.
  • Telnet Account: Allows you or your visitors to directly connect to your site.
  • Program Capabilities
  • Unlimited Email Aliases

A flat fee of $1500 per month for an unlimited number of hits and 1 Giga Bytes of space.

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